Heinz Troll is an acclaimed photographer from Germany, based in Greece since 1992, and coincidentally a most accurate embodiment of a person who loves what he does, even though he secretly dreams of becoming a chef.
When he is not traveling around the world making portraits of the world’s brightest minds he turns northern-European tourist dreams into picture.
His photographic team consists of mountain and canyon enthusiast, photographer and drone operator Stefanos Apostolidis, most probably the only one of his breed to ever read all seven volumes of Marcel Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time”, and poster boy, CCG Imaging School graduate, photo editor Leonidas Troll, who also happens to be Heinz’s son.
A consanguinity that's indeed hard to miss.
This cheerful blend of youth and experience, characterized by thoroughness, composure and dedication, delivers consistently outstanding work, and throws in three bright smiles for good measure.
Heinz studied Photo Engineering and Media Technology at the Technical University of Cologne.